A review by cdseleman
She Votes: How U.S. Women Won Suffrage, and What Happened Next by Bridget Quinn


I AM OBSESSED. Everyone must read this book. I mean EVERYONE. I mean MUST. 6/5 stars I kid you not. It fills me with a fire that this book isn't mainstream. I accidentally stumbled upon it at the end of summer 2020 in a local Chicago shop. I admit (as you can tell by the fact that's it's now March 2021) that it took me a while to actually read this book. I started it as soon as I got it but I had so many other books I needed to read. Thank goodness I finally made this a priority.

She Votes by Bridget Quinn not only broaches a topic that we barely glossed over in our history classes, but brings to light so many aspects of women's suffrage that most people have never known. Oh, and let's be clear, this is not your average history book. Quinn's voice comes through on every page. It's like having a conversation with a friend. I mean, have you ever read a history book that refers to someone as an asshat? No? This book calls out how the feminist movement across centuries blatantly disregarded the interests of Natives, blacks, lesbians - really, any woman who wasn't white, cis, and hetero - and highlights the incredible minority women who impacted feminist gains throughout history. Parts of this book had me literally applauding. For example, keep an eye out for the bananas...you'll know it when you read it ;) The last chapter had me in absolute tears. It took me probably three times longer than it should have to read because my eyes were too blurry to see the words on the pages. The traumas that our young people have already faced, and the strength they exhibit in advocating for themselves, even though they are not yet old enough to speak by way of the vote. I know this is offered as an audiobook but *please* don't go that route. The artwork is just as important as the narrative.