A review by drlisak
Theme-Thology: Invasion by Charles Barouch


Is it legitimate to review a book that contains one of your own stories? And if I do, how do I give it stars and how do I ensure I am not biased? Well, the star thing is easy. I give five stars only rarely, to books that achieve a level of perfection that I yearn for--through language, structure, meaning or whatever. I give five stars to books that blow me away completely for reasons I cannot explain.

That said, THEME-THOLOGY: INVASION contains some stories that blow me away. It also contains some stories that appeal for other reasons, but that are outside the types of things I generally read (even though I read a wide variety of genres). For that reason, though, I think it is a book worth reading. It contains something for everyone, from humor to horror, from steam punk to science fiction, from fantasy to alternate history--these 15 stories reveal the amazing variety that comes when diverse minds focus on a common theme. While every story may not appeal to every reader, I guarantee that you will find many that bring you on delightful, unexpected, and sometimes creepy journeys.