A review by blueshadow
Dark Moon Defender by Sharon Shinn


2.5 stars, rounded down

I didn't enjoy this one - too much of it was Justin on his own, too little was the friendships and banter and cast of characters I have come to love.

Also, too much of the plot was just waiting. Not that stuff didn't happen - it did - but really, it was just stuff happening to fill in the time while we were waiting for the Big Thing to happen. And it did happen... eventually.

And then, the romance. Let's keep really, really important things secret for no good reason except it furthers the plot. And lets spend lots of time being all angsty. No thank you.

The book did have a few good moments, especially in the last third or so, but not enough to balance out the beginning. Also, I did far too much skimming throughout the entire book to rate it higher than 2 stars.