A review by theconstantreader
Too Many men by Lily Brett


This book was not what I was expecting at all. Both the title & the cover really threw me off, even after completing the book I'm not entirely sure they were the best pick.

I wasn't expecting a book on the holocaust & I certainly wasn't expecting it to remain as funny & light-hearted as it did.

I fell in love with Edek, how could you not? The way Brett built his character & crafted his dialogue was outstanding.

There was something about each of the characters in this book that stuck with me & I found myself often thinking about them whenever I wasn't reading the book.

All the relationships & the interactions they were founded off were captured perfectly by Brett. The only ones that didn't sit right with me was how Ruth & Edek responded to the anti-semitism displayed by the Poles - I'm not sure I could have kept my cool like that, but the way they handled it was probably pretty accurate as to what any of us would do (rather than what we'd be dreaming of doing) if we were in the same position.

Despite the lack of closure, I enjoyed the ending & thought it ended where it was supposed to. I think the few unknowns that were left actually added to the overall story.