A review by captwinghead
Captain America: Trial of Captain America by Ed Brubaker


A bit hard to rate.

I really enjoy the parts dealing with Bucky's guilt and his struggle to feel worthy of Steve's avid defense of him. This was a great use of the Cap cast: Steve, Sharon, Sam, Nat and Bernie Rosenthal. Admittedly, I only recently learned more about Bernie and I love her. I kind of wish she'd come back because I really like her vibe.

I would question why, once again, a woman must suffer in a volume of Brubaker's Cap run but, this time its Sin. I can't muster any sympathy for a Nazi. I'm just glad it's not Sharon suffering, once again.

Here, Bucky's on trial for the actions of the Winter Soldier. Meanwhile, Sam, Steve, Sharon and Nat are chasing after expert witnesses and trying to unmask plots against Bucky while he's in custody. I kind of wished we could've focused more on the legal aspects but I'm a nerd and I find concepts of trials in a superhero world very interesting. Hence my love for volume 1 of the 2005 She-Hulk run.

But,I digress. The action scenes are pretty good, the art is fine and I like the outcome. The small issue about Cap taking up the shield again was pretty meh for me.

It's the Bucky Barnes story that makes this volume worth reading.