A review by missriki
Primal Instinct by Tara Wyatt


Ladies and gentlemen, I have found a new favorite author! Seriously, when I first read the blurb for PRIMAL INSTINCT, I was pretty excited. Bodyguard romances are sort of my jam, and I was eager to find one to sweep me away. Well, let me tell you- this book did all of that and more! I loved every high-energy page!

I loved Taylor Ross as the heroine. She's spunky and sassy and is kind of a reformed bad girl, which totally worked in her favor. I loved seeing her inner struggle as she tries to make sense of her past and reconcile her actions with the myriad of stresses influencing her decisions. She's every bit the star, but she comes form some pretty rough roots, and isn't quite ready to place all of her heart in the trust of another man.

However, all bets are off when she has a one night stand with Colt Priestley.

Oh, Colt. How I adore thee! you guys, Colt is a MAN. Like, a dirty talking, completely in control alpha man. From the very opening scenes we meet him in, you know that this guy has it going on. But, he's also damaged by a very rough past. When he finally finds a reprieve form the nightmares that plague him in the arms of Taylor, he knows she's the only woman for him.

But it's not easy. There's a seriously creepy stalker situation going on (like- REALLY CREEPY. OMG- I'm still thinking about Ronnie. He's seriously nightmare-inducing.), and Taylor's father is a dangerous man set on undoing her. Colt has a checkered past and is plagued by nightmares. all signs point to trouble for this dynamic couple, and every scene is a powerhouse of action and momentum barreling to a crazy exciting finish.

I seriously stayed up WELL PAST MY BEDTIME so that I could devour this book in one sitting. It's so good. And after I finished, I quickly placed my order for her first book, NECESSARY RISK. Like I said, we are in new favorite author territory here. Loved it!