A review by readwithethel
Recognize Fascism: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology by Crystal M. Huff


An interesting collection of short-stories but sometimes confusing

Key words: fascism, short-stories, fantasy, science-fiction, politics

I thought this book would be really interesting since it uses science-fiction and fantasy to carry its message. I was quite wrong. I mean, the concept is good, it was sometimes interesting and some short-stories were quite good but most of them were not. First of all, I think the biggest problem here is to make such short-stories (10 pages max for each one) in a world of science-fiction. It doesn’t work because it is almost impossible to get into this new world, to understand its mechanisms and its vocabulary. The first story for example was so difficult and confusing, I put this book back on my shelf for a month. This idea is good but for it to work, I believe the stories should be longer, like 20 pages. Such short-stories also make it difficult to like the different characters but this is more of a detail. I liked how every story was exploring something different while also talking about the same global problem. There were some good approaches in there and I think my favourite was the one about The Old Grouch. The stories were also very inclusive. Overall, there are a few good stories in there but I would recommend it only to people who like anthologies and who quickly understand science-fiction.


Thank you Netgalley for this eArc in exchange of my honest opinion.