A review by dananoel
Black Rabbit Summer by Kevin Brooks


I read this book back in the good ole days of seventh grade, I believe. It was at least around seventh grade, because as I read it, I noticed a TON of similarities between Brooks’ writing and my own ancient scripts. I guess I thought he was a master or something? Reading it now, I can’t help but skim some pages because it’s repetitive, nothing really happens, etc. I remember at the time I couldn’t stop reading it, and this proved true ten years later.

So the basic story line: a group of teenagers decide to meet up one summer, I’m guessing the summer after their last year of high school. They used to be BFFs. There is Pauly, the goof ball who can make everyone laugh and who’s pretty dumb but in a fun way; Eric, the one who’s pretty serious about things but is generally a nice guy; Nicole, Eric’s twin, who has an intimate history with Pete; Pete, the narrator, the main guy, Nicole’s love interest, really annoying; and finally Raymond, Pete’s BFF despite the group dynamic falling apart. Raymond is different, a little off. It never says specifically what’s wrong with Raymond – Pete denies anything is actually wrong with him, he’s just a kid who’s been through a lot of bullying and his parents are neglectful and he says he hears voices in his head, particularly the voice of a black rabbit he keeps as a pet. Pauly, Eric, and Nicole have never cared too much for Raymond, but have tolerated him for Pete. They meet up at an old hang out spot, and things suck. They’re all so different. They drink and smoke and Nicole unsuccessfully seduces Pete once the others have left. When this fails, Pete walks to the fairgrounds, where a carnival is being held, and where the others are waiting for them.

It takes Pete a while to find Raymond, and when he does, Raymond is walking around with Stella Ross, a recent movie-star, and her cameramen. Stella is obviously using him to a) make herself look good by hanging out with what people consider a charity case and b) just to be a bitch and mess around with him. Pete tells her to fuck off and takes Raymond away. They visit a fortune teller (always a bad sign) who says Raymond is in trouble and tells Pete to watch out for him. Coincidentally, Raymond has been babbling about “Star’s going out tonight,” something the black rabbit has been saying to him, along with other weird delusional-type ramblings that Pete doesn’t really take into consideration. Well, Pete has to take a piss and leaves Raymond to stand outside the “Portaloo” for half a second. When he comes out, Raymond is gone.

The next morning, Stella Ross has disappeared as well. Pete goes over to Raymond’s house and finds the black rabbit has been decapitated, the head impaled on a gate.

SpoilerThe police start investigating the disappearances of both Raymond and Stella, asking Pete and the others questions about the night of the fair. They find Stella’s clothes near a river, covered with her blood, along with a necklace and a pebble with a rabbit scraped into the surface. It is starting to look like Raymond is involved in the disappearance of Stella; however, the others: Pauly, Nicole, and Eric, are all being super suspicious as well. So, the book goes into a “all are suspects” trope, one of my absolute favorites.

As much as I get his position in all of this, Pete is so fucking annoying. He keeps holding things back from the police that he has no reason to hold back. If he wouldn’t LIE, the book would be 200 pages shorter. This is a common occurrence in mysteries, unfortunately. It doesn’t add to the suspense; it just pisses me off. Pete is running around upset because Raymond is missing and evidence is piling on against him, but Pete’s not helping the cause!! All he’s doing is being vague and acting stupid.

Everyone else was stupid and annoying too. It turns out Pauly, Eric, and Eric’s lover Wes were all involved in the accidental killing of Stella. Her body is found in the river and everything. It was accidental, but mostly Pauly’s fault. Then Pauly kills himself. And that’s that. And guess what?

We still don’t know what happened to Raymond.
I don’t give a fuck about Stella Ross! I wanted to know what happened to the only likable character in the whole MF book!!! What an outrage. Did I even finish this book ten years ago? What would possibly make me think this was gold?

What a hot mess.