A review by mandalor3960
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels


The concept of class antagonisms is very interesting. I have a few criticisms though. The first section of the pamphlet that analyzes the history of civilizations seems flawed and oversimplified. The latter two sections seem irrelevant now that the year is not 1848 and I would be interested in the then communist supported parties. If these perceived irrelevances were removed from the book, the concept of Communism would have been written more concise.

Rating Update 26 May 2019
Four stars to three stars. The sections that I enjoyed were dampened by the latter two sections of the manifesto.

August 23, 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a three star rating is befitting. The original review and rating update from May 26, 2019, conform to the new rating system. The main reason behind retaining the three star rating is based primarily from the reasoning in the rating update from May 26, 2019. These two sections take up considerable portions of the manifesto, up to half of it, which make reduce the manifesto's rating closer to 2.5 stars. These two sections lowers the volume of what would have been a four star rating based on the sections of what the communist intended to do (the "measures") and the sections detailing the concept of class antagonism.

February 12, 2020
I have changed the color of the rating from red with a grey outline to green with a grey outline. I am not sure why it was previously colored red. I have currently chosen green because the information provided in the review and subsequent update is accurate and most definitely leads to a three star-rating (whether that be as a 2.5 star-rating rounding up).

March 11, 2020
Despite having read everything previously written, I am not convinced to the extent of a green with a grey outline color and have now changed the color to yellow with a grey outline.

When choosing a rating type, it seems that this book reached the heights of a four star-rating but was lowered by two star-rating content that seemed unnecessary and disrupted the flow of the previous four star-rated content.