A review by theresidentbookworm
Ladycastle #3 by Becca Farrow, Ashley A. Woods, Delilah S. Dawson


Ladycastle is a book whose concept I think is better sometimes than its execution. The concept behind Ladycastle is awesome, and I think it work really well in some issues. Other issues I think need more work.

This issue focuses on the invading harpies who have to be convinced not to raid the lands of Ladycastle. Of course, harpies cannot be defeated in battle. Instead, they must be won over by polite manners and tea. Gwyneff, obsessed with battle and being like her father, resists acting like the kind of princess that will please the harpies. This was a moment I thought was interesting because it emphasized that Gwyneff can still be strong and do her duty while wearing a dress and drinking tea. This series emphasizes that the gender norms forced upon these characters are arbitrary and sort of useless in the long run, which is not wrong.

I liked a lot about this issue, but I do wish it had a more overarching plot. Each issue feels separate, and I wish they were more tied together.