A review by ajstyles
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year One - The Complete Collection by Jheremy Raapack, Various, Tom Taylor, Brian Buccellato, David Yardin, Tom Derenick, Bruno Redondo, Mike S. Miller


I have spent a good part of 3 years of my life building a roster on the Injustice DC game and its sequel. So I already had a good idea of the storyline before picking up this book. Nonetheless, Injustice ranks as one of the greatest graphic novels I have ever read. By deviating from the stereotypical good vs evil dilemma in superhero stories, the book provides a ominous insight into a world which is reigned by a God with an iron fist. The various philosophical questions that the story poses along its multiple volumes is an absolute treat, as the band of heroes in the DC universe are divided by fear, honor and loyalty.

The sheer number of iconic moments in this book is astounding -Superman dumping Atlantis in the middle of the Sahara desert, Lobo stubbing out his cigarette on Darkseid's forehead, Superman putting his arm through the Joker, Alfred knocking out Superman and the Green Arrow's last stand to name a few. But the one moment which stood out for me was the fascinating conversation between Superman and the Flash over a game of chess about gun control in the WatchTower.

Superman gradually losing his humanity is beautifully juxtaposed with snippets of what he truly stood for before he inadvertently killed a pregnant Lois Lane. Wonder Woman being portrayed as a scheming evil force is more terrifying because unlike Superman, there was absolutely no provocative event to justify her turn to the dark side. Batman was doing what he does best - being a badass. Forget the Snyderverse, I am eagerly awaiting for a time when Warner Brothers get their act together, establish a decent cinematic universe for all these incredible three dimensional characters and adapt this mind-blowing storyline on a visual medium.