A review by shemyshines98
Teach Me to Forget by Erica M. Chapman


I truly love this book, it's a bit funny and just so real.Ellery blames herself for her little sister's death Tate. Ellery and her dad were arguing one day about his infidelity and Tate snuck into Ellery's car when Ellery was about to tell her mother about her father and his cheating. Ellery didn't know Tate was in the car until the last minute and Ellery forever blames herself. I think that even though Ellery wanted to die, it wasn't part of God's plan, if I say so myself. I believe that Colter saved her, and he's the perfect boyfriend that I would wish to have one day. He's seen her pain before, he's seen it in his brother when he committed suicide. That's why he was so set on saving her because he blames himself for not saving his brother no matter how much he pushed. Ellery and Colter of course fell in love, which I find their love very beautfiul BTW. Ellery didn't want help, but Colter knew she did, he did the thing that he knew he should have done for his own brother, and that is get help for Ellery in the end. Of course she felt betrayed but in the end, it worked out in her favor. She's getting better and she has people around that love and accept her. Amazing book!