A review by crookedtreehouse
Blade of The Immortal Volume 16: Shortcut by Hiroaki Samura


The conceit of Rin and Manji being constantly separated, and Rin wringing her hands, worried about him, is beyond stale at this point. Most of the character interaction in the first half of this volume is just retreads of previous volumes' dialogue. It's incredibly boring.

The latter half, however, introduces a new character and a new scenario for Manji, as the new big bad guy from the previous volume has decided to find out how Manji has the power of immortality. In this storyarc, we actually see new interactions, character development, and a scenario that doesn't allow for the familiar plotting of the past few volumes. I wish there was more of this story and less of Rin meets new people who are likely also somehow involved with the Itto Ryo or want to dismantle the Itto Ryo, or whathaveyou.

Also, Samura is not very good at writing female characters, so the Rin-focused part where she mostly meets other female characters just rings false.