A review by historical_bookworm
Delivering the Truth by Edith Maxwell


Delivering the Truth is the first book in a new cozy mystery series by Edith Maxwell. I was eagerly awaiting this book because I like the premise of an historical mystery setting. The idea is not something being done right now with cozy mysteries available right now to read. Normally its a food book, Amish, a hobby, etc. so the idea of a Quaker midwife in 1888 who finds herself in the middle of a mystery intrigued me. I had high hopes for this book because I like cozy mysteries and always enjoy getting lost in them as a palette cleanser in between more in depth reading.

The book started off with introducing characters of the series and laying the ground work of the novel. Sadly though I found myself losing interest due to how slowly the story was taking off. I know in first books they can be sometimes slow because the author is laying out the ground work for the series but I just couldn't get myself interested in the story. I found myself plodding through just trying to get to the end so I would know how things would end. In fairness of it being the first book in the series I do plan on reading the second book to see if things improve or if I need to give up on this series, knowing that not all books are for me to like. I try not to give negative reviews so please know that a book that might not be for me might be the next greatest book for you.

*Disclaimer: I received an advance copy of this book for my honest review. All opinions are freely mine.