A review by flonadiose
Saturn Apartments, Volume 1 by Hisae Iwaoka


4.5 stars )) this book was enjoyable and fun. I don't think I can put all of my feelings into one review but I'll try my best.

~The World~

Saturn Apartments is not set in the sci-fi universe you would think it would be. No aliens trying to kill you, no lightsaber-wielding warriors, but in where humanity has left Earth to live in a man-made ring encircling our forgotten desecrated home. True, this depiction of the way humanity will be in our future, may be so not futuristic. But what interests me the most is how the author, Hisae Iwaoka, has created such a small world and somehow make so much story.

~The Plot~

The plot is what made the most excited for this series. It’s not what I’m used to where warriors fight dragons and vampires roam free. This manga is just a story about about a orphaned boy just graduated out of high school and moved into the work of window-washing. Over the course of the story, the boy meets many of his dad’s, who fell to Earth in an accident, many old friends and colleagues. That’s what intrigues me and I love it!

~The Characters~

The characters are the bread and butter of this story. Since this is not set in some super-futuristic world, all of the spotlights are on the characters. And I think the author explained their motivations and characteristics beautifully. I ended up loving all the characters (expect one if you know what I mean ) and relating to them. I could enjoy every bit a thing they said and I couldn’t stop reading.


This book was a great introduction for me to get out of my comfort zone and start branching out to read more genres. A lovable story with lovable characters. That’s what this story is and I love it for that.