A review by mrclintdavis
Drama City by George Pelecanos


You can't ask for much more from a 289-page book. The characters are so well painted and their dialogue is so real that you can picture the scenes of DRAMA CITY in your mind like you were watching one the many fine episodes George Pelecanos wrote for THE WIRE.

This book is perfectly paced with pages and short chapters that zoom by. Pelecanos has a lot to say about the people that make up the toughest parts of Washington DC. He's also got a lot to say about redemption and how difficult it is to move past your demons.

As the stories of Lorenzo Brown, an ex-felon who works as a humane society officer, and Rachel Lopez, a probation officer who battles alcoholism, unfold, you realize that the moral of this story is one of teamwork. Pelecanos nearly moved me to tears several times with his descriptions of the everyday heroes who help others make it through their daily struggles.

There's some beautiful writing here and some very funny dialogue. Pelecanos is a master of character and setting.