A review by yooperdoc
Ride the Wind by Lucia St. Clair Robson


A beautiful, heartbreaking book, based on the true story of Cynthia Parker, who was captured by the Comanches and became the wife of a prominent chief. She is the mother of Quanah Parker, the last Comanche chief. Although Cynthia was 9 years at the time of capture, she was not enslaved, but adopted by a loving, childless indian couple. She became Comanche in every sense of the word and actively avoided recapture by the Rangers and traders sent to ransom captives. The very nature of this story dictates a sorrowful ending for all of the main charactors, but don't let that disuade you from reading this book. This is a beautiful story and very accurate regarding details of Comanche daily life. Robson is a masterful storyteller who is able to bring her charactors alive.