A review by zare_i
The Essential Marcus Aurelius by John Piazza, Jacob Needleman


There are things that should be common sense to every human being. But not once do we lose the true perspective of our lives and values that should be cherished.

This often happens in the times of great stress (as it is popular to say these days).

In such moments it helps to remind oneself of these things and one could do that (in lack of no better way) by reading through this book.

(I highly recommend reading this book no matter what - I am sure reader will truly enjoy the experience)

Again, there is no great wisdom here - only notes from once most powerful man in Europe about everyday life. There are no talk-from-the-high-ground here. Everything is put in simple and understandable way - what we may call universal life truth(s) (again this is not do-it-yourself-in-x-minutes book so do not expect that this book will change your life altogether).

I mean can you give me better statement than: "Stop whatever you’re doing for a moment and ask yourself: Am I afraid of death because I won’t be able to do this anymore?"

Hits the mark and puts everything in perspective.

Highly recommended