A review by dtaylorbooks
Carniepunk: The Cold Girl by Rachel Caine


I’ve known of Caine for years now and while I haven’t read any of her stuff, I do have INK AND BONE on my want list and of course I’ve heard of the Morganville Vampires series. Haven’t read it, but I haven’t been living under a rock either. To be honest I thought it lumped itself in with that rash of teen vampire books that came out following TWILIGHT. I’ve been assured that is not the case AT ALL and I’ve since added the series to my want list as well. I need me more brutal vampires in my life.

And ‘The Cold Girl’ gave me that, and with a neat little spin.

Initially I wasn’t digging the story. I wasn’t really liking the voice or the set-up at all, with the girl and her crappy boyfriend and how she lost everyone close to her because she was totally in love with this guy and it was just all so typical. Rolling my eyes, all that jazz.

And then it got dark. Like, really dark. Like murder and revenge and cold-blooded death dark and then Caine had my full attention.
I loved how the carnival was set up, this old rickety, creaky thing that looked like a death trap and IRONY. I really liked where the story went and how it revealed what the carnival really was, and I liked how Caine went THERE with Kiley and what she needed and, deep down in her heart, wanted to do. It put Caine’s vampires in a whole new light for me and I’m about to be all over this.

So totally glad I read ‘The Cold Girl’ and that I didn’t stop reading it after the first few pages. Really it was too short to stop reading. Not even 35 pages. But Caine slapped me in the face with darkness after the stereotypical set-up and now I can’t get enough of it.
