A review by mikhailrekun
Black Dogs Part One: The House of Diamond by Ursula Vernon


So this is a book with a story behind it. It's the very first novel Ursula Vernon ever wrote, and it's been generally hard to find -- no ebooks were ever published, few libraries had it, and buying a set on print-on-demand was something like $40. Then, miraculously, they got released as ebooks as part of the Summer in Orcus kickstarter, which is how I got them.

And... well... they're not very good.

It's not a terrible book, by any stretch of the imagination. But it's very clearly Vernon's first work, and as the author herself admits, she started writing it when she was sixteen. Compared to Vernon's later work, the characters and the story are much more 'standard-issue fantasy', though every so often you see elements that would become iconic for Vernon-as-we-know-her-now (Sadrao the Dog-Soldier most notably -- really, this book needed more Sadrao and fewer elves).

Ultimately, I can't really recommend this book unless you're an absolute Vernon completionist, and I'm not sure I'll read the sequel either. If you want a good introduction, go read Digger instead.