A review by crookedtreehouse
Bloodshot Salvation Volume 2: The Book of the Dead by Jeff Lemire


A step up from the previous, pretty good, volume, this is Punisher meets Lone Wolf & Cub. With stronger art, including a seriously bold move to have an almost all-text issue, this was the best use of The Deadside I've seen in The Valiant Unvierse. It didn't wear out its welcome or attempt to do too much.

I wouldn't suggest people skip out on reading previous Bloodshot storyarcs, but I do believe one could read just Lemire's Bloodshot Salvation run, and enjoy the story as is. Buuuuuuuut, if you don't want to invest too much in Bloodshot but want to check this out, I recommend starting out with Lemire's Bloodshot Reborn series and then folowing it up with this Bloodshot Salvation run.