A review by lolasreviews
Isolation by Dan Wells


As far as short stories go I really enjoyed this one. It adds something to the world and it gives so much in terms of world building.

One of the things I missed in Partial was explanation about the Isolation War and this novella gives that missing piece of information. I love world building and everything that gives me more anshwers and world building is great. This novella focusses not only on the Isolation War, but also on the Partials. It is told from the point of view of a Partial and it was amazong to read how efficient and emotionless they are. Half is told from the past of the Partial from when she was born till the point where she is ready for her mission and the other chapters are about the Isolation War and some critical events during it.

To conclude: I really enjoyed reading this novella and I am glad I read it. It gives more explanation and understanding about both the Isolation War and the Partials. Certainly worth the read if you like to know more about the Partials and the world.