A review by gbdill
Can You Drink the Cup?: by Henri J.M. Nouwen


Decent book and somewhat thought-provoking. Really hammers home the point of knowing the cup from which we drink from, namely living the life of Christ. Nouwen also draws a lot of insight from his experiences at the Daybreak community for which he served amongst the disabled.

Chapter 7: "Drinking" was by far my favorite chapter. I liked how Nouwen put into perspective how most drinking engagements are an illustration of trust, vulnerability, and intimacy shared between two or more people. He correlates that to life, we either drink the cup that we have been handed without fear, but with trust and confidence, or we handle it with much fear and trepidation. We share what we've been blessed with to others and walk through life both the good and bad with others. Drinking the cup of both joy and sorrow.

My favorite quote from the book:

"Salvation is not only a goal for the afterlife. Salvation is a reality of every day that we can taste here and now." (pg. 100)