A review by kiki6k
Destined by P.C. Cast


The House of Night series suffers from a puzzling disconnect between its maturing plot and its stagnant characters.  The authors have crafted a narrative that grows increasingly dark and complex, with grand conflicts and villainous threats.

However, the characters themselves haven't kept pace.  They remain mired in teenage dialogue and behavior, despite facing situations that would demand a more mature response.  The forced "heart-to-heart" moments between Zoey and Stevie Rae come across as inauthentic and even painful to read.

This disconnect extends to other areas as well.  The series relies heavily on stereotypes, with characters like Damien reduced to a one-dimensional caricature.  The use of racial stereotypes and out-of-place pop culture references further weakens the narrative.

The pacing is uneven, with long stretches of exposition followed by a rushed climax.  While the ending provides some gratification, the overall plot advancement feels minimal.