A review by hobbitfreddie
Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven by Kami Garcia


Might have made the mistake of thinking this was a one shot and not a third volume. Also my first DC comic.! Apolgies in advance for anything lacking in this review.
Alright so this is a guilty pleasure, if you're a young comic reader, if you ship BB and Raven, and or you love Teen Titans, you'll probably like it. Objectively, yeah there's flaws.

Art: I'm not too keen on the style, I do like how Raven's drawn though. The background/props look better than the characters, got a nice watercolor feel. The scenes with powers and junk always look cool though. So the style's simple but has a nice "YA" vibe.

Story: One thing I must learn if I want to get into superhero comics is that there are crap ton of canons. The characters here are much different from the Teen Titans cartoon. It took some time to get used to, but I think it was pretty cool to see these guys in a different light. Feels fresh.
The story itself, it's pretty fanficy and contemp YA feeling. And it does seem to walk aimlessly for a bit. The story's not really the strongpoint, but to an extent neither are the charcters in execution, which I believe is where the divide in the reviews happens. BB and Raven are pretty cute and a guilty pleasure to watch, however the main story isn't strong enough. The climax and their romance are the best bits though. It's just the padding and filler that seems lacking. And the side characters are pretty weak. I did quite like the climax, had some good emotional moments and stakes.