A review by caylieratzlaff
Serwa Boateng's Guide to Witchcraft and Mayhem by Roseanne A. Brown


Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel. 4/5 stars.

I LOVED the first one in this series, so I was excited to read the sequel. The cliff hanger was...a LOT though, so I'm already waiting for the next one. I love Serwa's journey as she grows up, and I love how this one had so much of her learning about herself and her family, especially after the shocking revelations in the first novel. I also loved all the references to other Riordan books (like the pen sword LOL) and the pop culture references. The Rick Riordan present novels echo the humor of PJO, but there are still lines in it that make it seem like they know the OG PJO kids are reading these for nostalgia (and because they're good).

There were some parts I didn't like, especially with parts of the plot and the whole Declan situation (like...do we have to have a romance?) and some of the pacing seemed off at the end...but it was still an absolute delight to read.