A review by jedi_indyjones
Darby O'Gill by Herminie Templeton Kavanagh


This book contains many stories that are full of charm, wit, and humor. If you love Ireland and books like Narnia, then don’t hesitate to read this one. It is written in an Irish accent that transports you to county Tipperary. It’s full of leprechauns, fairies, and angels and hints of dark Irish legends scattered throughout. I wish so dearly to find another book this rich and imaginative that takes place in Ireland. The Disney movie did a great job of keeping the spirit of the book, however the book itself is a collection of different stories and the movie doesn’t really follow any of them particularly. I can’t tell you how much I loved this book. It will turn your heart emerald green and make you dance about with a mad fiddle playing in your ears! I have always loved the combination of gothic, dark, humor mixed with magical whimsy and clever dialogue. Set it in Ireland and you have gold.