A review by joabroda
Faery Lands Forlorn by Dave Duncan

adventurous funny fast-paced


I may be in the minority, but I loved this second book of the series. Pure, simple, old time fantasy that was a romp and so much fun.

Our hero, Queen-in-Waiting Inos, has been whisked through the Magic Casement and kidnapped by a prior lady-of-the-night sorceress (I did tell you this is a hoot!). Inos' one and only loyal subject, Rap, was also thrown through the Casement but to the other side of the world to the island of Faery. To Rap's great dismay the 5 in 1 personality body and Little Chicken have travelled with him and there is no guarantee who will be available to help Rap get off the island and rescue Inos. Along with his travel companions Rap faces the 4 Wardens (North, South, etc.) , very reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz, except not one of them is a "good" .

An added bonus, for me at least, is the inclusion of excerpts from Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation. Having never heard of this I went down one of those great black holes on Google with it, and that added a ton of enjoyment for me.

Only recommend to true Epic and Old time Fantasy lovers.