A review by meldob
Science Fiction Discoveries by Frederik Pohl, Fred Saberhagen, Babette Rosmond, Carol Pohl, Arthur J. Cox, Robert Sheckley, Scott Edelstein, Doris Piserchia, George R.R. Martin, Roger Zelazny


This was a really odd collection of stories. I think tastes (and human knowledge) have substantially changed and nothing in the book was really revolutionary for me. There were a few interesting conceptual ideas, but many ideas were either just fantasy ‘Earth problems, except it’s space’, or just rehashing old ideas.

A lot of the authors seemed to have absolutely no understanding of women, and there was a fair bit of casual and needless violence against women in the book. A guy pimps out a woman he doesn’t know and she just sort of says ‘yeah alright, sounds ok’, a man rapes his nurse and she struggles against it but then seems to just accept it, some guy hears a comment about himself that he doesn’t like so he goes home and punches his wife, and some guy goes on holiday with his annoying girlfriend so he can flirt with his ex, and she is completely fine with that.

I think it started in the introduction really, Carol did all the reading and somehow Fred got his name on the book? Sounds a little dodgy to me.

The best story by far was the Owl Creek Rest Home. I didn’t mind the one about the time veils either. I personally didn’t find much value in the rest of the book.