A review by reader4evr
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan


I really enjoyed listening to this on audio, easy to understand all of the way some of the names were pronounced. I liked how this book was a kind of continuing of the Lightning Thief series.

There were only a couple things that I didn't like about this book.
1. It was WAY too long. Ii felt that the story could have maybe be cut in 1/3. I know the kids that liked the Percy Jackson series will probably still read this no matter the size it of it, it was just too long for me.
2. There were WAY too many different stories going on. At times, it was hard to keep track of because I got confused with names.
3. The story line kind of reminded me of the Lightning Thief with the different quests that they had to conquer and the people that they would meet. It was like quest, meet someone, quest, meet someone etc etc

I probably won't read on in the series but I will be interested in hearing from students that have read it.