A review by caitlinemccann
Archetype by M.D. Waters


3.5 stars is probably a more accurate rating.

I liked this book but my personal system has been revolving around whether or not I would physically keep the book. Storage in my life right now is at such a premium. So I enjoyed Archetype and would love to read its sequel, but I think this one may have to get passed on to a friend or the local used bookstore.

The books cover quote references Archetype as a kind of heir to The Handmaid's Tale, and while I can see the parallels I don't necessarily agree. They're in the same genre, certainly. But Archetype is more Alias-esque than Ofred-esque. Which is still a great middle ground for the novel to occupy.

If you're a fan of TV shows such as Alias or Orphan Black then I would definitely recommend Archetype. The pace of the novel is light and quick without lacking in substance. Episodic style chapters make the read easy but it's also great for finding a stopping place if you want to draw out the reading experience.

If you're looking for deep philosophical meaning in your sci-fi, this not the book for you. Waters doesn't explain the science and implications on humanity enough for that kind of reader to be satisfied. But if you're looking for an enjoyable weekend read, give this book a shot.

*Spoiler Alert*
**Seriously, I'm about to discuss the ending first**

My favorite thing about this novel is that we have a female character who falls in love and then leaves the guy(s) in the end for HER well being and happiness. For that reason alone I would recommend Archetype.It's just something you don't see that often in NA. Not that Emma doesn't love Noah (or Declan). There is definitely a love story there, but Emma leaves because she realizes how unhealthy staying is.

That said, I would be shocked if the second book wasn't about Emma struggling to get back to Noah and prove to him that she's still the same woman he married in spite of being a clone. And I'd still like to read that story. But I am thrilled that Waters did not wrap her novel up in a prepackaged bow.

I'm not going to do Emma Wade the disservice of labeling her a strong female character because that phrase gets thrown around far too much for it to have much meaning. Emma has moments of weakness and willfully lives in denial for a large chunk of the book, but these flaws take the story to some really interesting places.

So, again, happy to have read it. Will look out for the sequel. But Archetype probably won't stay on my shelves.