A review by illyreadsbooks
Side Trip by Kerry Lonsdale


What a fantastic book!!! I was so vested in these truly well developed characters and their story. I didn't want it to end! Joy is on a guilt driven journey through Route 66, living through his sisters bucket list. Her final destination is New York where she will start her life with her fiancee and live out another of her sisters dreams. Enter Dylan, the son of a musician who's car just broke down at the same diner Joy is stopped at.

The two hit it off and come up with a plan to share the ride to New York together, one catch is that they won't share last names and what happens on the road stays on the road, and if they want to venture on a side trip they have to both agree.

Their love story is followed for 10 years. The idea of what if is explored if they had broken their deal. This story stuck with me, it is so well written. I highly recommend it!

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.