A review by hobbitfreddie
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 2: Cosmic Cooties by


While not terrible this second volume was just really mediocre with a lot of flaws. It’s probably worse than the first volume, but it’s still an alright read. I’d give it a 6/10. I probably won't go further in the series for now though.

Art: The art isn’t too special, it’s superhero style but less detailed and more cutesy? It’s for all ages I think so the style is supposed to kids probably. The panels way too colorful to me. The poses and expressions are fine but seem limited. Nothing really caught my eye, art wise. The fights are alright I guess.

Character: The reviews from the first volume seemed to dislike Lunella’s child prodigy character, I didn’t really have a problem with it until now. They seem to really point out how smart she is, but I feel like they dumbed her down in this. In the first volume I could definelty call her smart, but here it’s just yeah I guess she’s smart, but smartest person in the world, idk. Minor nitpick though. I disliked her character a bit in this, yeah she’s flawed and supposed to grow, but I just couldn’t like her character. I you want to see flawed heroes grow but I don’t really see that. Her inner monoulouge is repetitive, and her bond with DD is just really bland. She has a dinosaur and she’s pretty mean to it, come on. It’s just kinda annoying to watch. Kid and their pet is such an easy thing to get right. I found myself like the new character Captain Kree more than her.

Story: I’ll give it points for actually trying to have themes and arcs instead of just standard super hero stuff. And the super hero stuff is creative. The antagonists in this series are fun so far. However Lunella’s repetive “I don’t fit in here” gets bland. I wish they expanded more on why. Because that is a thing that a lot of people experience, and this is aimed towards all ages. Would be good to shed some light on that problem. I didn’t like the body swap stuff and they get doing it, like they ran out of ideas, it really slows down the story. The Ms Marvel stuff was probably the best part, because you actually see Lunella start to go through an arc.

I think if they gave Lunella better arcs, and use DD better, I’d easily find myself enjoying this.