A review by jessferg
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2015 by Rebecca Skloot, Tim Folger


Every selection in this 2015 edition is wonderful. I don't think I could pick a favorite but there's so much of interest not only from a science perspective but from a historical and social impact perspective, too. Selections are weighted a little heavily from a couple publications but it's hard to find fault with that when the articles are, in fact, so good.

Among the topics included in these 26 essays are: effects of light (or lack of) on populations, cave exploration, corvids, hyenas, turtles, whales, passenger pigeons, Ebola, plant patents, river restoration, medical decision making, rare diseases, empathy, curiosity, risk prediction, deep-sea mining, urban wilderness, polar jet streams and Jennifer Francis, New Zealand, hominoid fossils, Peter Higgs, and memory reconsolidation.

It's a lot to take in but think of the good impression you'll make by being well-read. Science!