A review by bibliophile90
One Wild Ride by A.L. Jackson, Rebecca Shea


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


3.5 stars

"I think I could look at your face every single day and never get tired of it."

I absolutely loved how Kas and Elle met. She hits him while backing out of a parking spot. The situation itself wasn't funny, however the way they both acted was. Kas has a very fun personality, and he wasn't afraid to show his emotions. Elle, is a bit hesitant because she has been burned by someone who wants to be an actor before. She doesn't want to be used again, so she is a bit stand-offish. However, Kas is determined and knows exactly what to say and do to get under her skin. I absolutely LOVED his personality, he was definitely my favorite character in this book. He was funny, sexy, caring, and he knew he wanted Elle. It didn't take her too long to warm up to him, and see that he wasn't like the other guy who used her. Like the previous book I really enjoyed this story, however because of the length I just can't fully connect with the characters. Also there just isn't enough time to see an organic character growth. It was still done really well, and I thought this story was fun and light-hearted. I am looking forward to the next book in the Hollywood Chronicles!

"I've wanted you since the second I opened my eyes and thought I was looking up at an angel. You stole my breath then but it's my heart you're stealing now."