A review by thaydra
Fiend: The Shocking True Story of Americas Youngest Serial Killer by Harold Schechter


I had never heard of Jesse Pomeroy, which is crazy considering what he did and then how he was punished. This YOUNG kid was just... sick. The things he did are brutal. He then spent over 40 years in solitary confinement... which is also insane. The fact that he appeared to be as "sane" as he did when released speaks (in my humble opinion) volumes on just how deranged his brain already was.

The author definitely had his opinions on the guy, and you could tell. But it seems like he stuck to the facts. The one thing I was in disagreement on was his description of Jesse. He is described (from more than just the author) as this disagreeable person to look upon, describing his features in very negative ways. When looking at the pictures, he just looked like a person... someone's grandpa. I didn't find his milky eye to be that obvious. /shrug

If you like true crime, then you should read it. Word of warning though- it has graphic descriptions of child abuse and murder.