A review by lilmatt050
The Three Witches by Zora Neale Hurston, Faith Ringgold, Joyce Carol Thomas


Overall I really enjoyed the story with the lack of details. Every children story tale has this grand introduction, middle, and simple ending. This story is about these three witches who killed this boy and his sister's parents by eating them.

Since they are orphans, the grandmother takes care of them and one day leaves to go do groceries and horrifically the witches appear and wreak havoc on these poor innocent children.

I love the illustrations and felt like I didn't get enough of the story and was left with this emptiness for the lack of facts. Zoe's Neale Hurston writes magnificently but like I said if she had given more story plot or more action in this story it would have been a true 5 stars for me. Overall I was simply entertained.