A review by jesseka8787
Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult


A while ago (several years now), I was at the bookstore looking for something that I'd like to read. This was all before Kindle's and iPads and Nooks. I was standing near the Nicholas Sparks section deciding if I wanted to buy a book I hadn't read or a book I had already read. A nice lady was hunched down on the floor looking at something. I made some sort of small talk and the lady decided to recommend Jodi Picoult to me. She said I should start with "My Sister's Keeper" and that would be enough to get me into Jodi's books.

After I read, "My Sister's Keeper", I bought up everything I could find of Jodi's books. I have SO many of her books on my bookshelf and they've gone unread for a long time.

I started checking out Jodi's audiobooks from the library and listening to them in the car, because they're just splendid. I decided to get this one from the library -- and from the moment I put it in, I was HOOKED! I remembered the beginning of the book (because I had read the first few chapters, but then put it down.). I was so engrossed in the story, I couldn't wait to get in the car and drive to work (or home from work).

The thing about Jodi Picoult's books is that she makes you think. She makes you think outside of yourself and see the issue from both sides. She gives you the opportunity for perspective. Every question is asked by her characters and if you're looking for a great story that has SO much going on in it and it will make you love her characters and not want to stop reading the book -- her books are for you!

I've read, My Sister's Keeper (which is NOT the same as the movie...it's so much better), The Storyteller (which was just phenomenal!), Change of Heart, Lone Wolf (which was absolutely awesome!), and Harvesting the Heart (which was good, but not the same as the others in the list). Jodi is AWESOME! Read. Her. Books.