A review by bibli0phagist
The Explorer's Code by Allison K. Hymas


Upon reading that this book had puzzles and ciphers in it I knew I had to get my hands on it. I love solving puzzles along side characters. The Explorer's Code features Idlewood Manor a building that holds more secrets than the eye can see and some that are written in plain sight, if you know what you are looking for! 10 rooms, 10 families, 3 days, 1 mansion with a mysterious past.
Charlie has always been a math wiz. He is constantly seeing codes and patterns embedded in every day life. Meanwhile, his sister Anna could care less about puzzles and codes. She would rather spend her time exploring, just like her idol, Virginia Maines- even if it does get her into a great deal of trouble. How can two people be so different, yet related?
Emily has been brought to visit the mansion thanks to her parent's top secret mission to try and save the Idlewood Manor. Emily is determined to show her parents that she is capable of making them proud- thus it is why she has also secretly taken on their mission as well.
When each child fines an important (and different) piece to the overall puzzle, will they be willing to make themselves vulnerable to share what they have found with each other? Who else knows about the secrets the mansion holds? And will one weekend be enough to get the answers they are looking for?