A review by reader4evr
Variant by Robison Wells


This was the perfect book for book club and I can't wait to discuss this later today!

The whole premiss of the book was intriguing (I actually watched some of the book trailers on YouTube which were kind of creepy).

I have to say I was totally excited that I found a book with a truthful and real boy main character. Sometimes in YA literature, they are jerks and not very nice but Benson was so determined and spoke his mind which was refreshing. I felt bad for his situation in the book but he definately didn't make people feel bad about it when he was meeting the people in the academy.

Speaking of the school, I have to say I would have ran the other way if I found out what was going on when Becky was going on. The whole not having teachers, classes were taught by kids, having random paintball games was so peculiar and had me guessing who was behind everything!

When I got to the climax of the story
Spoilerwhen Benson found out that Jane was an android I was shocked!! I thought Becky was with the initial conversation that Benson had with her in the beginning but you end up finding out that she really isn't one at the end!!!.

At the end of the story there was a HUGE twist which totally made me feel like that guy in those Sprint commericals where he mocks that his brain is exploding!!!

I am interested to see how the next book in the series plays out.