A review by kambmoore
Everbound by Brodi Ashton


OK..........EVERBOUND.......just........wow! This was an amazing sequel, you guys!
In EVERBOUND, we find Nikki two months after the events of what happened in the first book, EVERNEATH. She is feeling really bad about herself and has withdrawn from many people (excluding only a few people: read the book to find out who!!!) including her father and her best friend, Jules. Nikki is also tracking Cole's band, the Dead Elvises, which is actually a group of music-playing Everlivings. When Cole shows up in her life once more, she begs for him to take her to the Everneath so that she can find Jack. The story REALLY takes off from there on. I'm not going to tell you EVERYTHING that happens, so you'll have to read the book to find out all of the "deets!"
I really liked how Cole wasn't the way he was in EVERNEATH. In the first one, he was really possessive of Nikki and was willing to do anything to get her to become like him, Everliving. But in this book, he seems a little less possessive and respects her more (in a way). There was some romance between the two of them, but not as much as between Nikki and Jack. Even though Jack isn't in this book much in the present, we get to see how Nikki developed her feelings for Jack in flashbacks (there is something significant with the stories....you'll just have to read the book!).
In the end, I was really satisfied about what had transpired in this 358 page book. There was an equal amount of romance, intrigue, action (yes, i know!) and even a little rebellion (or as I like to call it: the teenage years!).
So, as you can see, I highly recommend this book/series to anyone who likes the Persephone and Hades myth, because this is a really great retelling of the myth most everyone knows. So, once again........................... READ THIS F***ING BOOK, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
BTW: I think the last book will be called either EVERLIVING, or EVERAFTER, or EVEREND! The last book can't come soon enough guys!