A review by bookswithemily
The Sunlight Pilgrims by Jenni Fagan


This book is set in a future world (2020) where the winters seen to be harsher due to global warming and people wonder if they have entered a new ice age.

It follows Dylan who runs a family owned cinema in Soho who then moves to Scotland to retrace the footsteps of his grandmother and to fulfil his mothers last wish. He moves into a caravan which is next to Stella and her mother, Constance.

Stella is a trans-teen trying to get her best friend, Lewis, to notice her. She is also dealing with her transphobic father and classmates. She is a very outgoing character for the things she has gone through and she still remains an innocent child. She has a positive vibe about her.

Constance is a strong character who has two distinctive lovers, one of which is Alistair, Stella's father. She has a bad reputation in Clachan Falls as she doesn't want to settle down which people think is bad.

You see the book through Stella and Dylan's perspective so you can only see Constance through their views, you never get to see how Constance see everyone else. This shows a mysterious side to Constance.

This book follows these characters through the winter months as the temperature decreases to -50 degrees. The description of the weather, the ice and snow are exceptional, you can just imagine how cold it would be. The book is very open to imagination in some places but it works in this type of book as you can imagine what would happen to the characters and it gives a different experience for each reader.

I would love to read other books by this author as I enjoyed reading this novel. I would also recommend this book to anyone who likes sci-fi or dystopian books.

I was given this book for free from NetGalley for review.

I posted this review on my blog www.emilysnovels.wordpress.com