A review by jakekilroy
B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know, Vol. 1: Messiah by Mike Mignola, Dave Stewart, Scott Allie, Laurence Campbell


One of the most interesting things about this series has always been Hellboy simply existing and wandering the world. Moreover, it has always maintained such a fascinating universe without him, whether he disappeared, was off on assignment, or even dead/in Hell. There's just always been so much chaos and evil weavings its way throughout the world(s), and the threat of apocalypse has vibrated so profoundly loud and near its core cast of characters. Now, it may very well be here in the truest sense, following years/decades of minor infractions of the End of the World — and it's a blast (even when I'm not sure what's going on). It's so big, impossible, and demanding, and characters have been killed off in its lead-up, yet it traverses on with gusto. This rips. It's a big world gone big bad, and I'm here for the end of this gigantic, sprawling conclusion of a series/universe I've loved forever.