A review by glendonrfrank
Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety by Henri J.M. Nouwen


Thus ends my journey to actually read all the Nouwen I had been collecting.

Unlike many of the books published after his death, this is less a loose collection of thoughts and more sourced from a specific series of talks that he gave. This gives it a better sense of formation than many of these posthumous publications, but it still kind of feels like a reiteration of a lot of similar ideas. Still, Nouwen's ideas are always good! Every time I am drawn to the delicate, intimate sense of faith he portrays.

I guess I'm just trying to find my passion again. Or rebuild it into something new. Reading Nouwen makes me want to pray again. To hope again. Nouwen understands the anxiety of homelessness, that at the root of Western society is this hurrying to build some form of stability but never arriving. It sounds so simple to slow down and find root in one's belovedness, but it always feels just out of reach. A pleasant dream, a hopeful ideal. Reading Nouwen gives me hope, but I find it oh so hard to cross over into action.