A review by historynerd04
Demon Days by Richard Finney, D. L. Snell


I received a free copy of this book through a Good Reads First Read giveaway. Thanks!

Even though, at first glance, this is a type of book I would normally gravitate towards (thriller with religious overtones), I was somewhat reluctant to start this title. As listed, this is a special edition of 'Demon Days'. It has the first book, 'Demon Days' itself and then its sequel 'Angel of Light'.

I'm glad I gritted my teeth and took the plunge, because, as it turns out, there was gritting of the teeth involved. Only, it was gritting of the teeth due to wanting to know what happens as the story steamrolled along.

Yes, folks, this is a book you will find yourself reading well into the wee hours of the morning. I found myself still up at 2AM. I can't remember the last book I read that would prompt me to stay up so late past my bedtime that gallons of coffee the next morning would be a necessity to function.

I won't do a synopsis here because I don't want to give anything away. However, I will say that if you're a fan or student of medieval history, in the 'Angel of Light' half of the book, a certain 11th Century German Abbess plays a role. That's right -- the nerd in me was ecstatic over reading a book where Hildegard von Bingen played a significant role.

Because of the special edition of this book, the 'Angel of Light' section of this book that was included was truncated. And you can BET I will be trying to track down a copy of that title once it is officially published.