A review by alyssaindira
Variant by Robison Wells


Hey guys, so I just finished Variant by Robinson Wells and I gotta just sit back and exhale. For it was a wild ride. Gosh. From the first page was I ihrusted into this world. It starts off with Benson arriving to this school, which looks like a prison. And he soon comes to realize, it basically is a prison and he needs to escape. I barely register how they got off with calling this place a "school". They don't have contact with the outside world. No phones, no internet, no freaking calendars?! They are watched and recorded with trackers and cameras. There aren't even any teachers or staff. The kids run everything. In all my years of reading, I've never encountered this situation. That's what makes this book so intriguing. And most of all, they get sent to "detention" if they break one of the "three" big rules. No violent fighting, no refusing punishment, and no trying to escape. Which obviously Benson breaks two of the three. The school is practically run off these things called points and the gangs are assigned different contracts in order to receive these points. Probably getting ahead of myself. The gangs are what run this school, there are three. The Society, Havoc, and the V's(Variants). They all have something to bring to the table but some are more dangerous and conniving then others. So as Benson tries to navigate this crazed rat maze, he encounters enemies, friends, even a love. Then boom! Something horrid happens and I was totally not expecting it. What is this totally shocking climax within this enticing book? You'll have to read it to find out. The second book is called Feedback and I am dying to read it. Once I find it. Lol.