A review by kim_brockway_gatehouse
Besieged by Kevin Hearne


Damn, I love The Iron Druid Chronicles. Kevin Hearne's writing style is fantastic and his stories keep me hooked. His tales are intelligent, obviously well researched while still being easy to read. They're full of threads that weave in and out of the whole series but never leave me feeling confused. Kevin keeps me entertained from the first page to the last; the humour and satire putting a wry smile on my face.

I loved this audiobook. Christopher Ragland’s performance was once again outstanding. He transported me into each and every adventure. The pace at which he read each of the stories and the emotions he portrayed were perfect. I loved the different accents and voices he gave each character – his performance brought them all to life. I knew straight away whose head we were in and didn't get lost in any of the conversational dialogue.

While I’m talking about the characters, I must say how much I love them all in this series. Atticus, Granuaile and Owen all get their own stories in this collection. I've read all the novels now and enjoyed going back to the various times and situations that these stories were set in. Oberon, Atticus’ faithful Irish Wolfhound is still my favourite character. He just lights up my heart in every scene he’s in and I LOVE the voice that Christopher created for him in his narrations.

Obviously, Kevin assumes that the readers of Besieged are not new to the Iron Druid Chronicles. That we already have a relationship with Atticus, Granuaile and Owen so don't need huge amounts of explanations. However, each story has a prelude telling us where in the series timetime it sits. You don't need to read this or any of the other novellas, however, I feel that these short stories gave me a further depth of understanding of our main protagonists as well as adding extra nuggets of information about the main series story arc. I now want to listen to the other novellas and short stories in this incredible series!