A review by thehamsterreads
Kingdom of Thorns and Dreams: A Limited Edition of Sleeping Beauty Retellings by Majanka Verstraete, Angelique Anderson, Laynie Bynum, C.L. Cannon, Kendrai Meeks, Mila Young, A.D. Brazeau, Jesikah Sundin, J.A. Armitage, Scarlett Kol


This review is for Æroreh by Jesikah Sundin.

I love fairy tale retellings, and Æroreh is no exception! It is beautifully written and the story is uniquely told! It is Mythpunk, which is a genre I haven’t previously heard of, so that is pretty cool. Basically it’s a combination of magic in a world with advanced technology. I found the combination to be really interesting to read! I don’t want to give anything away, so just read it! This is the first book I’ve read by Jesikah Sundin, and I’m going to be hunting down more of her work because I loved it so much!

I received an ARC from the author and I’m voluntarily leaving an honest review.