A review by corncobwebs
Grandpa Bug by Joe Johnson, Antonello Dalena, Cécilia Giumento, Guillaume Bianco

A book that tries to achieve the same goal as Yotsuba&! -- the story is about a young girl, but it's supposed to appeal to all ages. I liked Rebecca well enough, but her internal musings often were way too sophisticated for a six-year-old. That's what I love about Yotsuba -- she acts exactly like a little girl would. And there's some deep meaning in the Yotsuba books, but it's subtle. In Ernest and Rebecca, I felt like the author kind of hit you over the head with the messages he wanted you to take away. I think it's always better to hint at any overarching themes, then let the readers take it from there.

I did like the artwork, though -- it reminded me of a cross between Miyazaki and Disney animation. The colors were really pretty, and I loved all the depictions of the European countryside. I was a little skeptical of Grandpa, who seemed to be a borderline alcoholic -- but then again, lots of kids are around adults who drink occasionally, so it's probably not necessary to shield them from it in a story.

Overall - I liked the art, I liked the message about appreciating the little things (even if it wasn't very subtle), but I wouldn't quite peg it as the transcendent, all-ages masterpiece that it wants to be.