A review by xanthe87
Chasing Forever by Kelly Jensen


This is a first for me from Kelly Jensen. I now know this book is the third in a series but had no clue before reading it and it didn't affect my enjoyment of the story or understanding of anything going on.
Mal is struggling with his mobility, having to use crutches after being hit by a car. As he was very active before, he finds it very hard to cope with the limitations he currently has. Being the shy, quiet man he is, he figures Brian would never go for a guy like him. Brian feels something towards Mal, a man he wouldn't normally try for. Both feel the attraction and connection but circumstances don't always work in their favour. Mal's physical ability is precarious, Brian's nephew shows up after being kicked out, and Brian's history is not something he wants to share with anyone. The two feel something but are not sure about moving forward.
This was a really good read! There is drama, emotion, relationships built and actions taken that draw you into the story and become invested of not just the two MC's but also some of the secondary characters as well, especially Josh, Brian's nephew. The attraction between the two feels natural and their relationship evolves naturally, experiencing several stumbles both literally and figuratively, sometimes creating those problems themselves. Each man has endearing qualities making you love them just a little bit more. Mal's stubbornness is both frustrating and admirable as he fights to get back his fitness and go back to work. Brian knows he's good at business but not so much at his personal life so getting himself in a position to have a relationship with Mal and be a good caregiver for his nephew is interesting to read. He faces thoughts about himself and his past that he struggles with but at the same time open to what is on offer in his future.
Kelly has created a wonderful world that these characters live in. There's friendship and family support, though not equally on both sides. Mal's connection with his twin is lovely to read, especially with what he's done for his brother. Brian's friendship with his best friend is what got him through his late teens and adult life so far, though she doesn't necessarily always like him as written in the first chapter! We have lightheartedness mixed in with so much drama as well as a very worthy cause that both men fight hard to get.
I definitely recommend this book and I'm going back to read the first two, which I'm sure are just as good as this one.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review